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“巢回”— 艺术与发明 · 刘景路(大路)艺术展即将在京开幕

减小字体 增大字体 作者:佚名  来源:中国艺术资讯网  发布时间:2018-10-18 14:21:00

巢  回

Reborn of the nest




Jinglu Liu’s Art Exhibition



学术主持: 李象群

策展人: 韩莉莉(紫熙)

学术顾问: 庞茂琨、范勃

关键词: “人”,“不间断的开幕式”,“现场砸碎行为”,“和平艺术展”


主办方: 奥加美术馆、各国驻华大使馆

协办方: 北京城市发展研究院、新京派艺术研究院、宋庄当代艺术文献馆、宋庄艺术论坛

支持方: 《设计》杂志社、《雕塑》杂志社

承办方: 北京撇捺文化发展有限公司

展览时间: 2018年10月20日—11 月19日公众开放日

开幕时间: 2018年10月23日16:00—18:30(受邀VIP以及媒体)

展览地点: 北京市朝阳区东直门外大街26号 奥加美术馆

鸣谢单位: 釉宝(北京)艺术研究院、北京多源教育、昱普健康管理服务有限公司、长城行宫酒坊有限公司、天合智谷(北京)创意设计有限公司

媒体支持: 新华网、北京电视台、北京晨报、腾讯视频、优酷视频、搜狐视频、新浪雕塑、新浪新闻、搜狐新闻、今日头条、网易新闻、凤凰新闻、天天快报、北京时间、艺术国际、99艺术网、雅昌艺术网、书画频道、国学频道、时代纪实、商业互联、企业家日报、中华时讯网、艺术头条、八爪鱼直播、文创在线、美揽天下、华夏艺术网、竞友艺术网、中艺书画网、艺美视界网、号外艺术网、华商艺术网、收藏新闻网、藏品投资网、中国艺站网、中国艺术之梦、中国书画家网、华夏经典艺术网、中国都市新闻网、中国民生播报网、中国时尚新闻网、中国美术市场报、中国时代艺术网、中艺博雅艺术网、中国艺术理财网、中国艺术资讯网

刘景路(大路) 1965年生于山东临沂,著名职业艺术家、发明家

中南海国礼艺术家、清华美院特聘导师、“意画”(书法·雕塑·水墨)创始人、山东省美协会员、美国纽约哈德逊美术家协会会员。作品被中南海及有关单位收藏 , 更有美国、日本、东南亚、香港、台湾等国际、国内友人长期收藏其作品。其作品的时代性、独立性、原创精神及自然品质必将影响和推动民族的本土艺术走向新的辉煌。

Liu Jinglu (Da Lu), a famous artist and inventor, was born in 1965 in Linyi of Shandong province. He is appointed as National Gift artist by Zhongnanhai, and specially invited as a lecturer by Qinghua Academy of Fine Arts. He is the originator of “ideological freehand ink painting and ideological calligraphy----sculpture” (The painting on the paper or canvas is transformed into three-dimensional sculpture),member of the artists association in Shandong province,member of the artists association in New York.His works are collected by Zhongnanhai and many other museums and galleries home or abroad, and by private collectors from America, Japan, South-east Asia, Hongkong, and Taiwan, etc. Liu’s works are distinguished in this era with their independent thoughts, original spirits and natural qualities, which have influenced and promoted the developing and flourishing of traditional Chinese art.

《人》 4.8X4.3X1.2cm 高级玻璃钢 2013年

《无极》 27x55x35cm 不锈钢 2013年

《无极》(正面) 27X55X35cm 高级玻璃钢 2013年

《无极》(背面) 27X55X35cm 高级玻璃钢 2013年

《众》系列之一 59X59X12cm 高级玻璃钢 2013年

《众》系列之二 62X62X12cm 高级玻璃钢 2013年

《众》系列之三 45X49X24cm 高级玻璃钢 2013年

《印记》 37X64X28CM 不锈钢 2013年

《人梯》73X85X35cm 高级玻璃钢 2013年

《纤夫》128x45x67cm 高级玻璃钢 2013年

《天地人》 56X52X20cm 高级玻璃钢 2013年

《青春的力量》 55X45X25cm 高级玻璃钢 2013年

《知识就是力量》 55X45X25cm 高级玻璃钢 2013年

《家》 68X85X22cm 高级玻璃钢 2013年




2018年5月成为美国纽约州哈德逊艺术家协会会员 2018年5月个展“意画”(雕塑、水墨)于美国哈德逊艺术中心举办哈德逊艺术中心纽约州













































2006年~2008年,在山东省、广西自治区举办“刘景路书画作品巡回展” 临沂美术馆2005年6月,作品《金涛汇流》,入选“庆祝青海省文学艺术界联合会成立50周年美术、书法、摄影、唐卡展览


《物欲系列》I 55x100cm 纸本水墨 2017年

《巢回》系列I 55x100cm 纸本水墨 2017年

《巢回》系列III 55x100cm 纸本设色水墨 2017年

《巢回》系列IV 55x100cm 纸本设色水墨 2017年

《巢回》系列V 55x100cm 纸本设色水墨 2017年

《巢回》系列六 69x69cm 纸本水墨 2015年


托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生(Thomas Alva Edison)相遇


那个发明大王,那个盘踞在人类发明史上的发明大王,那个在欧美制造的现代工业文明史的发明大王托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生(Thomas Alva Edison)的最伟大的发明“电灯”,发出的光,使人类夜晚的光亮犹如日光,超越烛光,也使城市夜生活变成我们2018年每个人的谈资,1879年10月21日,美国的发明家托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生(Thomas Alva Edison)发明制造了一种叫“灯泡党”、“灯泡教”的东西,它变成解决每个人心灵的新的信仰,新的麻醉剂,使每个人上瘾,它的杀伤力远远大于毒品,因为它使人类的记忆远远大于国家意识形态,被叫做文明,南美印第安种族不需要灯吗?非洲撒哈拉沙漠中的黑人不需要灯吗?澳大利亚毛利人不需要灯吗?欧洲和美国科学主义世界观正是通过技术的惊人的原爆,在我们的星球烧起一把大火,互联网社会更是不断的加柴、加薪,更是不分昼生活、夜生活、家生活、旅行目的地生活,那么我们在人类分工社会中的属性的末日也来临了吗?中国艺术家刘景路回答了这个问题。

艺术是什么?人是什么?左手、右手、左脚、右脚,在从人类进化的时空穿越中,人类大脑和手脚的平衡超越人种的差异性,而留下诸多的传奇,这种人文属性正是中国艺术家刘景路点中托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生(Thomas Alva Edison)这个发明家的死穴之处,1990年中国山东省临沂市刘景路用他的艺术发明“艺术鞋”的不分左右、不分前后、不分男女性别之鞋,将鞋的简单工具理性功能和形式美学上升到想象力之后的科学和科技的因果关系境界,在人的世界里我们还能做什么?艺术家的想象力不断被指认为文森特·威廉·梵·高(Vincent Willem van Gogh)、保罗·高更(Paul Gauguin)表达的路径,中国古语“读万卷书、行万里路”,其中的行万里路用的就是脚,艺术家刘景路的发明“鞋”的去人性化、使鞋这种穿在人脚上的物件有了全新的概念,而这只是他N项艺术专利发明之一,他1990年申请国家专利的“硬笔习字规板”也是革命性的一种练字模式。刘景路彰显的是专利发明家、专利个体户新的文人属性,从脚的行走到手的书写,再到汉字符号化的“符”的道德之志,汉字的象形、形意发明,这个汉字书写系统的“真善美”通过刘景路的“意画书法雕塑”和“生肖雕塑”就轻松颠覆了文人、古代文人的游戏特征,而使他的文人书写注入了使命感,这是传统文人“草书”所达不到的悲壮,刘景路的发明不仅在技术层面普渡众生,又穿越了人类有史以来由身体养成的诸多劣习,我把刘景路作为一个艺术家的这些发明定义为原爆艺术制造的“生态艺术”。

刘景路的发明是艺术吗?答案是肯定的,刘景路的发明首先在中国建造了一个艺术家庙,包括他随便神来一笔的创意,将1913年雕塑家Edvard Eriksen创作的丹麦安徒生(Hans Christian Andersen)童话美人鱼,改变成男性特征,而带动今天人类深处的触及人类灵魂的刚需,他的艺术发明不断的剑指人类史的不同病状,并彰显发明家的神性,是身体和空气摩擦的产物,那样真实,因此刘景路的发明又是现实主义的而非仅仅是宇宙主义,那么刘景路是谁?我在北京宋庄2018年1月30日,刘景路的宋庄原创艺术博展中心的工作室感受到他的气场,他的艺术气场,他的艺术法门,他的发明法门,刘景路是谁?托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生(Thomas Alva Edison)是谁?托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生(Thomas Alva Edison)是发明家,刘景路是艺术家,他们的PK才刚刚开始……

黄岩 2018年1月31日一稿写于北京工作室


The Crash Between Liu Jinglu &Thomas Alva Edison

on the Lonely Way of Anthropological Art in 2018

Since the beginning of the 19th century, the worship on science has been prevailing on British islands, and later the continent of America. Trains, ships and planes are continuously compressing the physical space of the planet which breeds human. With the advance of civilization and the enhancement of believes in the process of race migration, an organization called United Nations was proposed, which was built on the basis of corporatized multi-national utopia wills. Modern capitalized populism, in the form of new life style, pervades in every respect of our life. Where are you going? The faster you migrate, the more insecure and uncertain you feel. What human beings want is not the carnival in the Heaven, but the joy on the earth, which can be assured by the hilarities which happened and are happening in all the capitals of the representative civilizations. People of different races, beliefs and religions are all excited by the mixed sweet and bitter feeling triggered by the advance of science and technology. “God is dead” and the two world wars are becoming an always-right topics on the 2018 cocktail parties. So is the space for human survival, but how is time?

Thomas Alva Edison, the invention king, has been occupying the throne of the invention history and the history of modern industry civilization in both Europe and US. His greatest invention is “lamp”, which sends out lights, which makes the night bright as the day, and which dims candles and makes the urban night life to be enjoyable by everyone till 2018. On Oct. 21st, 1879, American inventor, Thomas Alva Edison, invented a production which functions like kind of “law” or “religion”, which occupies everyone’s soul like a new belief, which makes everyone addicted as drugs and is even more lethal than drugs, and which extends human sight over the broader and defines civilization. Can the Indians in South America live without the lamp? Can the Africans in the Sahara live without it? Can the Maoris in Australia live without it? The scientism world view of the Europe and America are exploding with the progressing of technology, which sets the whole planet into big fire, and the internet is feeding logs into the fire, day and night, at home and at travelling destinations. Is the function of human being in the labor-divided society doomed? The Chinese artist Liu Jinglu answers the question.

What is art? What is Man? With left and right hands, left and right feet, in the process of human evolution, the coordination of brain and hands and feet overcomes the diversity of races, and leaves various tales to tell. It is the anthropological nature of his creativity that collides with the greatness of the great inventor Thomas Alva Edison. In 1990, the young artist in Linyi city of Shandong province in China, Liu Jinglu, created an art work, a pair of shoes, “art shoes”, which are special as they don’t differentiate the left and the right, the front and the back, man and woman. This design reserves the simple and rational function of shoes on the one hand, and extends it to a state in which stylish aesthetics combines with imagination realized under the assistance of science and technology on the other. What others we can do in human world? Artists’ imagination is often confined to the range of that of Vincent Willem van Gogh and Paul Gauguin. There is an old saying in China: “Travelling is a good way to experience life”. To travel we depend on feet. The shoes invented by Liu are dehumanized. Shoes are not just for wearing, and they display a brand new concept. The shoes are only one of his patented art inventions. Another patented work in 1990 is “Hard-tipped Pen Stencil”, which revolutionizes the mode of calligraphy practicing. Liu Jinglu presents to the world the attribute of his identity as an inventor, a patent individual, and a literati. What’s more, his creation like “Picturesque Calligraphy” of Chinese characters, as well as the “Sculptures of the Twelve Year Animals”, extends the beauty and charm of Chinese handwriting and traditional cultures, overturning in an easy way the artistic expressions of Chinese tradition. His particular calligraphy is injected with his sense of mission and reaches to a level which traditional Chinese cursive cannot. Liu Jinglu’s inventions not only benefit every man, but also mirror Man’s faults. So that’s why I would prefer to define the art works of Liu as the original “ecological art”.

Are Mr. Liu’s inventions art? The answer is YES. Liu Jinglu founds a temple of art. With a casual stroke, he miraculously changes the sexuality of the little Mermaid sculpture created by the sculptor Edvard Eriksen. His art and inventions meet the soul need of human buried deep inside, point out sharply various drawbacks in human history, but simultaneously manifest the divinity of the inventor, which is based on the reality, the friction between the air and the skin of human, rather than the universe, and which is so real. Who is Liu Jinglu? I met him at his original art exhibition center at Songzhuang in Beijing, where I felt truly the power of his, the power of his art, the source of his creation and the origin of his invention. Who is Liu Jinglu? Who is Thomas Alva Edison then? Thomas Alva Edison is an inventor, and Liu Jinglu is an artist. The prelude of the PK between them is just beginning ……

Huang Yan, Jan. 31, 2018at Studio in Beijing

Revised on Feb. 1, at Studio in Beijing


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